The Importance of Soft Skills in Kids

Tomo Club
5 min readJul 25, 2022


As parents, we want our children to be happy and successful. But what does that mean? It means learning how to be positive, not just as a kid but also as an adult. And that means having good communication skills in order to interact with others effectively and positively.

Soft Skills for kids.👧🧑

Soft skills are all about communication, social, and emotional development. They’re the skills that help you to be a good friend, teammate, and leader.

They are also important because they help you to communicate effectively with other people (both at school and out of it). If your soft skills aren’t strong enough, then it could take longer for you to get what you want from others or make friends with them in the first place!

You may think that having good communication skills means being able to talk about everything under the sun — but this isn’t true at all! Communication means listening closely so that everyone involved knows exactly what each other wants; being able to pick up on cues; being able express yourself clearly without sounding bossy or aggressive; etc…


Communication is important in all aspects of life. It’s essential for your personal life and social life, as well as family life. When it comes to communicating with others, there are three basic ways that you can do this: speech (talking), writing (writing) and body language (gestures).


Listening is a skill that can be learned and improved. It’s not just something you do when you have something to say; it’s also a habit, which means that if you want your child to listen well, they need to practice listening every day. You may even find yourself asking them questions about what they heard so that they have an opportunity for practice:

  • “What did she say?”
  • “Did anyone else respond? What did they say? How did they say it? What was their tone like? Which words were emphasized or repeated most often? Was there any anger conveyed in the conversation?”

Building rapport

Building rapport is the basis of all good communication, whether it’s with your coworkers, friends or family. It’s how you can tell if someone is going to be a good friend or not. The more rapport you have with someone, the more likely they will be able to understand what you’re saying and vice versa. If someone has bad rapport with you, it could be because there are some things about yourself that are difficult for them to accept or deal with in their lives.

Social Skills and Manners

Social skills and manners are important in today’s society, so it’s important to teach your child these skills. Here are some tips for teaching kids social skills:

  • Teach them how to greet others. When someone new enters the room, have them say “hello” or “good morning.” It’s polite to do this when you enter a restaurant or other public place, especially if it is crowded with people. If they don’t know anyone in their class at school, ask them who they’d like as their partner for lunch (or whatever activity). This will build trust between two children because they know each other better than strangers would!
  • Encourage kindness towards others by giving compliments throughout the day — even when no one asks for one! Say something positive about another person’s appearance (for example: “Wow! Your shirt looks great on you!”) Or tell him what good work he did during math class yesterday (for example: “I saw how hard you worked on your math problem last night”). These types of remarks show respect towards others without having any expectation of reciprocity back — which makes everyone feel good about themselves; everyone wins!”


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It’s a skill that can be taught, used by children and adults alike. The ability to understand others’ thoughts, feelings and motivations is critical in any relationship — from those with family members to coworkers at work or even strangers on public transit.

As an adult yourself, you may find that you don’t always know how best to respond when someone shares their concerns with you; this could lead down a road toward empathy if left unchecked! When we’re dealing with children (or anyone else), it’s important that we show them they matter by taking time out of our day-to-day lives just so they feel like we hear them when they need us most…

Self Esteem/Self-Confidence

Self esteem is the belief you have in yourself. It’s your confidence that you can achieve something, whether it’s getting a good job or joining a band.

Self-confidence is the belief you have in your ability to achieve something. If self-esteem is built on a foundation of self-confidence, then it makes sense that having high levels of both will lead to better outcomes than if one or both are low.

It’s important to note that these two things can be different strengths depending on who you are and what kind of situation you’re facing — for example: someone might have more confidence at work but still struggle with other aspects of their life (e.g., relationships), while another person may not have as much overall competence but feels more confident when they’re learning new skills (e.g., playing an instrument).

Kids need to learn how to communicate effectively

Communication is a skill that every kid needs to learn. It’s important for them to communicate effectively so that they can grow up and feel confident in their abilities. Kids need to learn how to communicate effectively so that they can grow up and feel confident in their abilities.


The skills covered above are all necessary to be successful in life. They are also a great way to build relationships with other people, which is an important part of our society today. If you have a child who struggles with any of these skills, don’t worry: there are lots of resources out there for kids and parents alike! Hopefully this article has given you some ideas on how best to help your kids develop their soft skills so they can feel confident about themselves and perform well in life.

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TomoClub is trying teach kids (8–14yrs) life skills, necessary to succeed in life, via online collaborative games 👾



Tomo Club
Tomo Club

Written by Tomo Club

Online platform for Home Schoolers in the US(9–14 yrs) to make friends and learn real world skills via social games and simulations.

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