👾Is Your Child Spending Way Too Much Time Onscreen?💻

5 Notions of Digital Minimalism📱

Tomo Club
3 min readAug 24, 2022

Educators make all efforts they can to encourage and include kids in developing their very own, preferably unrestricted relationship with technology and learning.

Cal Newport’s book Digital Minimalism usually seeks to improve the balance between digital technology and life, particularly regards to social media, and to steer clear of obsessive behaviors. The book’s guiding principles are listed as follows:

The Five Notions of Digital Minimalism

1. The Philosophy

“Digital Minimalism is a philosophy of technology in which you focus your online time on a few carefully selected activities that support the things you value.” Instead of a significant volume of work or stronger friendships, there is a vanishing timeline of unimportant events. Additionally, the frequent taking of pictures causes one to lose focus and makes them feel and act compulsively.

2. Digital Declutter

A method where you establish your technological policies, give it a 30-day break, and then bring it back. Give yourself the chance to find your passions, interests, and significant actions once more. Reintroduce optional technologies purposefully after 30 days.

The majority would either be lacking in adopting a mindset of making a permanent change or lacking in developing a plan for how to use their free time.

3. Solitude Deprivation

A condition in which you spend almost no time alone with your thoughts and are unbothered by the thoughts of others.

According to the research, as social isolation has decreased, anxiety in our culture has significantly increased. Thus to resolve it, the book suggests that you avoid wasting time on your phone because it is useless. However, taking walks and maintaining a journal daily can help you deal with the situation.

4. The Social Media Paradox

Social media can make you feel connected and alone, joyful and sad, just like anything else. To feel less distracted and out of control, reduce the attention residue that unavoidably occurs when you move to digital distractions. A real connection is more significant than a virtual one. For instance, friends can get together each week at predetermined times at the same coffee shop to chat.

5. The Bennett Principle

A way of life in which you put demanding activity ahead of passive consumption, employ your talents to create useful things in the actual world and look for activities that necessitate structured, real-world social relationships.

The idea is that you feel more accomplished when you prioritize challenging activity over passive consumption, use your abilities to generate useful things in the actual world, and look for activities that call for structured, real-world social connections.

For a generation that has attempted to transfer their entire social lives into the low-friction realm of a few likes and text messages across social media platforms, we strive to demonstrate via example the profound worth of real-world interactions.

Smartphones and social media are a huge concern for youngsters and thus, TomoClub makes an effective effort to foster in children a healthier relationship with technology by demonstrating how technology and learning can coexist in real life.

Check out how TomoClub can replace your child’s screen time which has no value addition to them, into something more useful.



Tomo Club
Tomo Club

Written by Tomo Club

Online platform for Home Schoolers in the US(9–14 yrs) to make friends and learn real world skills via social games and simulations. https://www.tomoclub.org

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